Affirming our Freedoms, Rights, and Opportunities...
Political Action Committee
AFROPAC is a newly founded, unaffiliated, non-partisan Political Action Committee established in 2008. AFROPAC aims to provide much needed financial and strategic assistance to candidates, propositions, and initatives that exemplify AFROPAC's vision, mission, and goals.



AFROPAC envisions a world of self sustaining communities that utilize their environment to uniquely affirm their freedoms and rights while taking advantage of opportunities to improve their community and the world.

AFROPAC aims to empower citizens across the U.S. to affirm their freedoms and rights by actively particpating in the political process.  Through organized action, members of AFOPAC will embrace opportunities to improve housing, education, health, and the environment in their community. 


PIncrease  the number of registered voters in the United States

PIncrease voter turn out

PEducate citizens on candidates, propositions,and the political landscape 

We invite you to join us in Affirming our Freedoms, Rights, and Opportunities… 

P.O. Box 9675
Oakland, CA 96413

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